Tai-e Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

Total Learning Hours: 2200 h

Mandatory Courses:

TCM Foundation

TCM Diagnostics

TCM Herbology

TCM Formula

Gross Anatomy


TCM Internal Medicine 

TCM External Medicine

TCM Gynecology

Meridian Theory (Acupuncture I) 

Theory of Acupoints (Acupuncture II)

Acupuncture & Moxibustion Techniques (Acupuncture III) 

Acupuncture & Moxibustion (Acupuncture  IV)

Chinese medicine Massage Science 

Acupressure & Physiotherapy

Hung Di Nai Jing / Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon

Jin Gui Yao Lue / Synopsis of Golden Chamber

Shang Han Lun / Treatise on Febrile Diseases Caused by Cold 

Wen Bing Xue / Doctrine of Epidemic Febrile Disease 

TCM English Foundation

TCM Clinical English 

TCM French Foundation

TCM Clinical French 

Social practice and cloinical practice

Tel: 1-514-334-7589   Fax: 1-514-334-4513

Email: institut.tai.e@gmail.com 

Head Office Address: 3293 Place de Chazel, Montreal Quebec Canada H3M 1E1

© Tai-e Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine